Prepositions Quiz (Advanced Level)

Welcome to your Prepositions Quiz (Advanced Level)

Both English and Russian belong ……………………. the Indo-European family of languages.

It was a neighborhood accustomed …………………… foul crimes.

What could have been a nasty situation was handled ………………. great finesse.

The fine ………………… overtime parking is outrageously high.

The charges of fraud …………………. the mayor proved to be without foundation.

Early experience ……………………. bullies in school fostered in him a hatred of tyrants.

She hoped to free his people …………………… hunger.

She found a diamond ring …………………. the bus.

A liking …………………….. flattery was one of his frailties.

She believes that there is a fine distinction …………………. wealthy and rich.

Ancient Greece was a fountain ………………….. wisdom and philosophy.